My First Week

Meet Your Leadership Team

  • Team Leader (TL)
  • Market Center Administrator (MCA)
  • Market Center Coordinator (MCC)
  • Market Center Tech Trainer (MCTT)
  • Productivity Coach (PC) / Mentor


  • Keller Personality Assessment/KPA (MCA)
  • Join Local Association / Board / MLS (MCA)
  • Attend KW Orientation (See Calendar)
  • Order Business Cards (MCTC)
  • Order Name Tag (MCTC)
  • Copier/Scanner Codes (MCC)
  • Set up Headshot/Photo (MCTC)
  • Tech Orientation (MCTC)
  • Printer Driver on Laptop (MCTC)
  • Launch Website Download KW App Download Kelle App
  • Draft Announcement
  • KW Profile to 100% (MCTC)
  • Upload Contacts into Command
  • Read Company Policies/Guidelines
  • Sign Mentor/PC Agreement
  • Meet w/PC for KPA Analysis
  • Send out “I’ve Joined KW” Announcement Letter
  • Meet with PC to do Business Plan
  • Meet with PC to set goals (1-3-5, 411) Daily Success Habits 10/4