Contract Guides
RLA (Residential Listing Agreement) Module
- AD-1 (Agency Disclosure / Listing Firm To Seller)
- PRBS (Possible Representation of More Than One Buyer or Seller)
- WFA (Wire Fraud Advisory)
- RLA (Residential Listing Agreement)
- SA (Seller’s Advisory)
- DIA (Disclosure Information Advisory)
- KW Addendum
- SELM (Seller Instruction To Exclude From MLS)
- SPRP (Seller Purchase of Replacement Property)
- TA (Trust Advisory)
- RCSD-S (Representative Capacity Signature Disclosure for Seller Representatives)
- MT (Modification of Terms)
- COL (Cancellation of Listing)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Seller Disclosures Module
- SBSA (Statewide Buyer & Seller Advisory)
- WCMD (Water Conserving Plumbing Fixtures Carbon Monoxide Detector Notice)
- FLD (Lead Based Paint) prior to 1978
- AVID (Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure)
- SPQ (Seller Property Questionnaire)
- TDS (Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement)
- ESD (Exempt Seller Disclosure Statement)
- E-pubs Forms re: lead, water conservation, earthquakes, home energy ratings, etc)
- Earthquake Report prior to 1960
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
RPA (Residential Purchase Agreement) Module:
- AD-2 (Agency Disclosure / Selling Firm To Buyer)
- PRBS (Possible Representation of More Than One Buyer or Seller)
- WFA (Wire Fraud Advisory)
- RPA (Residential Purchase Agreement)
- BIA (Buyer’s Inspection Advisory)
- MCA (Market Conditions Advisory)
- BHAA (Buyer Homeowner Association Advisory)
- KW Addendum
- COP (Contingency of Purchase
- FVAC (FHA/VA Amendatory Clause)
- RCSD-B (Representative Capacity Signature Disclosure for Buyer Representatives)
- SCO, SMCO, BCO (Counter Offers)
- SIP, TIP, RLAS (Seller/Tenant In Possession, Residential Lease After Sale)
- RR, RRRR, TOA (Request for Repairs, Seller Response & Text Overflow Addendum)
- CR (Contingency Removal)
- VP (Verification of Property Condition)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Non-Performance Forms Module
- NBP (Notice To Buyer To Perform)
- NSP (Notice To Seller To Perform)
- DCE (Demand To Close Escrow)
- CC (Cancellation of Contract)
- BDRD (Buyer Demand To Release Deposit)
- SDRD (Seller Demand To Release Deposit)
- DM (Demand for Mediation)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Lease Module
- LL (Lease Listing Agreement)
- AD-1 (Agency Disclosure / Listing Firm to Landlord)
- BBD (Bed Bug Disclosure)
- KLA (Keysafe/Lockbox Addendum)
- FLD (Lead-Based Paint) prior to 1978
- LRM (Lease Rental Mold Ventilation Addendum)
- PET (Pet Addendum)
- PHSA (Pool, Hot Tub & Spa Addendum)
- PSD (Parking & Storage Disclosure)
- TFHD (Tenant Flood Hazard Disclosure)
- WCMD (Water Conserving Plumbing Fixtures & Carbon Monoxide Detector Notice)
- WSM (Water Submeter Addendum)
- LRA (Application to Rent/Screening Fee)
- DRA (Denial of Rental Application for Credit Reasons)
- LR (Residential Lease or Month-to-Month Rental Agreement)
- AD-2 (Agency Disclosure / Selling Firm to Tenant)
- LCA (Lease/Rental Commission Agreement)
- MIMO (Move-In, Move-Out)
- KW Lease Money Disposition Form (from Office Intranet)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Mobile Home Module
- MHA (Manufactured Home Advisory Addendum & Release)
- MHDA (Manufactured Home Dealer Addendum)
- MHLA (Manufactured Home Listing Addendum)
- MHPA (Manufactured Home Purchase Agreement & Joint Escrow Instructions)
- MHTDS (Manufactured Home/Mobile Home Transfer Disclosure Statement)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Vacant Land Module
- VLL (Vacant Land Listing Agreement)
- VLQ (Seller Vacant Land Questionnaire)
- VLPA (Vacant Land Purchase Agreement & Joint Escrow Instructions)
- BVLIA (Buyer’s Vacant Land Additional Inspection Advisory)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Misc Module
- AD-3 ( Agency Disclosure / Selling Firm to Seller: For Dual Agency)
- AAA (Additional Agent Acknowledgement)
- ABA (Additional Broker Acknowledgement)
- ADM (Addendum)
- AEA (Amendment of Existing Agreement Terms)
- ASA (Additional Signature Addendum)
- BEO (Buyer Early Occupancy Addendum)
- BUO (Back Up Offer Addendum)
- NNR (Notice of Non-Responsibility)
- PA (Probate Advisory)
- PLA (Probate Listing Addendum)
- PPA (Probate Purchase Agreement & Joint Escrow Instructions)
- PSA (Probate Signature Addendum)
- SP (Single Party Compensation Agreement)
- SUM-MO (Summary of Multiple Offers)
- SUM-RPA (Summary of RPA)
- WOO (Withdrawal of Offer)
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
Zip Forms Templates Modules
- Listing Template
- Purchase Template
- Lease Template
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2
- Transaction Checklist
- Class Recording #1
- Class Recording #2